regular rural hoodie - we farm in the soil. we drive in the dirt. and we play in the mud.
regular rural hoodie
regular rural - we farm in the soil. we drive in the dirt. and we play in the mud.
regular rural hoodie

soil. dirt. mud. - Lightweight Hoodie

Regular price $38.95

"we farm in the soil. we drive in the dirt. and we play in the mud."
Getting dirty is just a part of what we do. Whether it's working hard or playing hard, there just often seems to be mud involved--and that's just fine.
It's regular rural to "get a little mud on the tires." Show off your appreciation for dirt with this comfy lightweight hoodie. With the slogan across the front and the regular rural logo on back, you'll at least try to keep it clean (but let's be real).
Unisex sizing
regular rural hoodie
regular rural - we farm in the soil. we drive in the dirt. and we play in the mud.